The home of our dreams thanks to Martin

We (my wife and myself) have started considering buying a new property in Prague. This is primarily because rent prices have significantly increased in recent years. Financially it still made sense to get own property. Surely, this wouldn’t be possible without financial support.

My primary bank where I had all my income related transactions refused to provide me a mortgage. I spoke to my banker at the branch of the bank due to being non-European or so was the reason.

Based on our community friends recommendations, we have met Martin Cermak. We first wanted to understand what our options are as well as limits. Martin and his team are extremely reliable and trustable to search all possible options for us.

When I started working with Martin, he collected all possible options in the market and I was surprised to see that my primary bank even made an offer to Martin for me to get a mortgage from them.

We found our dream property relatively in short time and decided to go for it. Martin and his team has significantly helped to organize all communication between bank, developer and ourselves as well as organised required paperwork during developer’s construction stages. Our mortgage has always been released on-time. We are enjoying our life in our own property with the best possible market rates.


Basar Sen


Lesia Khrapchuk


Arranging a mortgage without MANTRA? Impossible

I can only recommend Mr. Martin Čermák. His approach was friendly and very patient.

As I am a foreigner who does not have permanent residence and the Czech language is not my native language, arranging a mortgage without his help would have been impossible for me.

I would like to thank him and his assistant, Nikola Kolmistrová, for their great help and professional services in brokering the mortgage from A to Z, i.e. the offer to the purchase of the apartment itself.

Thank you very much again.


Professionalism, patience, and quality

As foreigners, we wanted to settle here in the Czech Republic, and for that we needed an agency that would help us with all the related problems.

I found the agency MANTRA Consulting thanks to a friend. I didn’t even speak or understand much Czech, so we discussed all matters in English (the ability to work with foreigners was a big plus).

I want to mention that Mr. Čermák and his team led us step by step to find the simplest ways to solve all our problems.

I confidently recommend  the team of MANTRA, who have demonstrated professionalism, patience and quality in providing all services.

Ion Cucer


Tomáš a Lenka Vojík


Top-notch service compared to other advisors

We were worried that closing a mortgage would be a lengthy process. But Mr. Čermák took care of everything from start to end and was available to answer all our questions.

The mortgage was resolved in a very short time, Mr. Čermák took all the responsibilities related to the negotiation of conditions at the bank, the transfer to the cadastre, etc. into his own hands, the whole process was worry-free for us.

Compared to the experience with other mortgage advisors, we were pleasantly surprised by Mr. Čermák’s pro-client and above-standard approach.


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Bonded representative MANTRA Consulting, s.r.o. ID number: 09905057 acting on behalf of the company Broker Trust, a.s., which is registered in the CNB register as an Individual and Investment Intermediary under ID number: 26439719. It therefore mediates insurance, supplementary pension insurance, loans and investments. More information can be found at company MANTRA Consulting, s.r.o. and BROKER TRUST a.s., their authorized representatives and employees of authorized representatives are not engaged in providing advice pursuant to Section 85 of Act 257 / 2016 Coll. on consumer credit.